One Day, He Won’t Be Asking Anymore
Right now, your son still asks.
“Can you play with me?”
“Can you come outside with me?”
“Can we go on a hike this weekend?”
And right now, you might say, “Not now, buddy,” because there’s always something else, yeah?.. work, emails, meetings, errands, life.
But one day, he will stop asking. 😳
Not because he doesn’t want to. But because he’s learned that you’re too busy.
And when you finally look up from the grind and say, “Hey, want to go throw the ball?” he won’t even hear you. Because he will be grown, busy, and prioritizing his friends/own activities just like you taught him.
What Are You Actually Building?
You work hard for a reason. To provide. To set an example. To make sure your family has everything they need.
That’s good. That’s honorable. But here’s the question:
Are you working to build a life for your family… or are you just working to keep up with the joneses?
Because your son doesn’t care how much you make. He doesn’t care about your title, your watch, your car, or your social media followers.
He cares if you’re there.
- There when he wants to explore.
- There when he wants to wrestle, run, and climb.
- There when he wants to push himself, but needs you to show him how.
A Reality Check for Every Busy Parent
You don’t have to quit your job. You don’t have to shut down your business. You don’t have to take a vacation.
But you do need to stop thinking there will be a better time.
Because the window is closing.
He’s watching you.
If all he sees is a parent who grinds, drinks, and scrolls, what do you think he will value when he grows up?
He’s learning from you.
If he never sees you move, challenge yourself, or step outside your comfort zone, why would he?
He’s waiting for you.
Right now. Today. But he won’t wait forever.
Three Commitments for Parents Who Want to Raise Strong Sons
1. Stop Saying ‘Later’ (later does not exist)
Next time he asks you to play, say yes. Every time you do, you’re telling him: “You matter.”
🕒 Make time, even if it’s just 15 minutes.
2. Get Outside Together (strength isn’t built indoors)
Your son doesn’t need more toys. He needs adventure. He needs to climb, fall, run, sweat, and push himself.
🥾 Take him hiking. Get in the mud. Break through the woods together.
3. Challenge Yourself (because he will follow your lead)
You want him to be brave? Then show him what that looks like. Try something new, push your limits, and let him see you step into discomfort.
🚀 Go sky diving. Lift heavier. Say yes to something that scares you.
One Day, He will Be You.
That’s the truth.
He’s not just your son. He’s your shadow. And one day, he will reflect exactly what he learned from watching you.
So ask yourself:
- Will he be a man who moves? Or a man who makes excuses?
- Will he be a man who embraces challenge? Or avoids it?
- Will he be a man who prioritizes his people? Or one who’s always too busy?
That’s not up to him. That’s up to you.
One day, he’ll stop asking for your time.
Make sure when that day comes, you don’t regret how you answered.
Now, share this with a parent who needs the reminder.